


Topics for May 4th & 5th


In Yoyogi Park, there are two rose flower beds, the ”Rose Garden” and "Flower Land”. In the spring and autumn when the flowers bloom, more than 50 kinds of around 700 colorful roses will be in full bloom. In this time of the season when the spring roses are at their best, the park will be organizing a workshop to make aroma cleansers using roses and setting up photo space for everyone to come take pictures. Please come enjoy and learn more about the beautiful roses. This event will be held on May 12th, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Yoyogi Park “Rose Garden" and "Flower Land". Please note that the event may be canceled in case of bad weather. Yoyogi Park is a 3 minute walk from Harajuku Station on JR Yamanote Line and Yoyogi Koen Station on Tokyo Metro’s Chiyoda Line.



Next, we have information about an exhibition taking place at Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum. For the first time in 12 years, an exhibition is being held in Japan to show the works of Kisling, a leading painter from the Ecole de Paris. While known as the “Prince of Montparnasse” in the 1920s to 30s Paris, Kisling developed a distinctive style with his use of glowing, sensual colors in his various portrait paintings. This exhibition features 60 works including some of his most famous portraits and others that have been kept safe by collectors and museums across the world. Please enjoy the world of Kisling at the exhibition. "Kisling, Grande Figure de I’Ecole de Paris" is currently shown at Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Main building and Annex Gallery 1, through Sunday, July 7th. Museum hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entry to the venue is allowed up to 30 minutes before closing. General admission is 1,100 yen. For details including holidays and directions to the museum, visit the official website at

続いては、東京都庭園美術館で開催中のアート展をご紹介します。エコール・ド・パリを代表する画家「キスリング」の個展が、12年ぶりに日本で開催中です。1920〜30年代のパリで「モンパルナスのプリンス」と呼ばれ、時代の寵児となったキスリングは、豊かな色彩と透明感あふれる肖像画を数多く手掛けてきました。この個展では、代表的な肖像画をはじめ、国内外の美術館、コレクターが所蔵する貴重な肖像画を含む約60点が展示されています。 この機会に是非キスリングの作品世界をご堪能ください。「キスリング展 : エコール・ド・パリの夢」は7月7日(日)まで、東京都庭園美術館 本館と新館ギャラリー1で開催中です。開館時間は午前10時から午後6時。入館は閉館の30分前までとなります。観覧料は一般 1,100円。休館日やアクセスなど、詳しくは美術館ホームページをご覧ください。

For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is
