Consultation for foreigners on daily life

Shinagawa Info

The Office of Consulting Services for Citizens provides consultation on daily life in English and Chinese. If you have problems with city procedures or in daily life, please ask for advice.

English consultation is available every second and fourth Tuesday, and Chinese consultation every second and fourth Thursday. Neither language is available on national holidays.

Consultation hours are from 9am - 5pm. Reception closes at 4:30pm. The venue is the Office of Consulting Services for Citizens on the 3rd Floor of Shinagawa City Office, Daisan Chosha.

For phone consultations and enquiries, please contact the Public Relations Section's “Office of Consulting Services for Citizens”, at Shinagawa City Office. The telephone number is 03-3777-2000.


(Audio) 4th/5th July 2019 ON AIR: Consultation for foreigners on daily life





場所は、品川区役所 第三庁舎3階の区民相談室です。

電話による相談とお問い合わせは、品川区役所 広報広聴課 区民相談室 電話番号 03-3777-2000 におかけください。