Guy Perryman



Information on the New Coronavirus Infection

PSA Yokohama

The city asks for your continued cooperation in preventing a second wave of infection.

Preventative measures that should be undertaken remain the same; frequent hand washing with soap, getting sufficient food and sleep and following cough etiquette.

For advice on the New Coronavirus infection, please contact the following call centers with a Japanese speaker.

For infection related characteristics and preventative measures, or if you show symptoms:

The Yokohama City New Coronavirus Infection Call Center 045-550-5530

For people who suspect they are infected with the new Coronavirus

         the New Coronavirus Infection Returnees/Contact Center 045-664-7761

For up to date information on the new coronavirus, please refer to the link on the homepage of the Yokohama City website.

Yokohama City is accepting applications for the “Special Cash Payment”,  which provides each person with 100,000 yen.

It will take some time for the documents to reach everyone, so please wait a while if you have yet to receive them.

If you have any questions about the application methods etc, please contact the following call centers.

Yokohama Special Cash Payment Center: 0570-045592

(Enquiries will be handled in English and Chinese as well as in Japanese.)

Yokohama City Special Cash Payment Multilingual Helpline: 045-211-6573

(Enquiries on this number will be handled in Korean, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog)

For details, please search for Yokohama City Special Cash Benefit and take a look at the Yokohama City website.