


The National Special Cash Payment

PSA Yokohama

The deadline for applying for the Special Cash Payment of 100,000 yen per person, is 10th September. If you haven't applied yet, please  make sure you do not forget.

Foreign nationals are also eligible provided they were recorded in the Basic Resident Register as of 27th April this year.

For information on how to fill out the application form, please see the Yokohama City Special Cash Payment web page.

There are many cases in which the payment cannot be made due to the entering of incorrect information in the application form.

Please be careful not to enter incorrect information, especially for the transfer account.

Also, the check box to the right of your name should only be ticked if the payment is ‘unnecessary ‘. If you wish to receive the payment, make sure you do not tick the box.

When submitting the application, please check that you have not left out any information or forgotten any necessary attachments. The application must be submitted by post.

If you have not received your application form, or you are unclear about something, such as the application method, please contact the following call centers.

Yokohama Special Cash Payment Center: 0570-045592

(Enquiries will be handled in English and Chinese as well as in Japanese.)

Yokohama City Special Cash Payment Multilingual Helpline: 045-211-6573

(Enquiries on this number will be handled in Korean, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog)

For details, search for Yokohama City Special Cash Payment and take a look at the Yokohama City website.

Finally a reminder once more that the deadline for applying for the Special Cash Payment of 100,000 yen per person, is 10th September. Please do not forget to apply.