


Prevent Heatstroke / Disaster Prevention Information Emails

Minato Voice

Every year, the number of heatstroke patients increases after the rainy season ends, as our bodies are not used to the heat. Care needs to be taken on days when the temperature is high, there is little breeze, or when it is very humid. Heat stroke can also occur indoors. Elderly people and children should be especially careful.

The 7 measures below are the main ways to prevent heatstroke:

Don’t overdo things. Get your body used to the heat gradually.

Get plenty of sleep and eat a well balanced diet.

Replenish your fluid and salt levels regularly.

Wear cool clothing.

Use air conditioners and electric fans appropriately.

When outside, wear hats or use parasols, and avoid the sun’s rays.

Be particularly careful if you are feeling unwell.

If you get heatstroke, move to a cool area immediately and cool your body. Drink something such as a sports drink to replenish your fluid and salt levels. Even if your symptoms are light, someone should stay with you to keep an eye on you. If symptoms fail to clear up, or become severe, please get examined at a medical facility.

The subsection in charge at Minato Public Health Center is the Health and Fitness Subsection of the Health Promotion Section.


In the event of a disaster such as an earthquake, this station, InterFM897, will broadcast important information from Minato City such as evacuation procedures and damage updates.

Minato City also sends out disaster prevention information e-mails to anyone who registers for them. The information is provided in English and Japanese, and covers earthquakes, river levels during heavy rain, and rainfall levels. Information other than this will also be sent, but only in Japanese. The content of the disaster prevention information emails can be viewed on the Minato City website too, in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.

To register for the emails, please do the following:

First, send a blank email to

Next, click on the registration link in the reply mail, select ‘Japanese’ or ‘English’ and press the OK button.

Lastly, select the necessary information and press the OK button. This will complete the registration procedure.

The registration method is set out clearly on the Minato City website, so please take a look. Enquiries will be dealt with (in Japanese only) at the Disaster Prevention Subsection of the Disaster Prevention Section at Minato City Hall. The telephone number is 03-3578-2541.


(Audio) 22nd/25th JUNE 2020 ON AIR: Prevent Heatstroke / Disaster Prevention Information Emails