


The Holding of a Peace Exhibition / Minato Call

Minato Voice

As an opportunity to think again about the importance of peace, materials related to war and peace that are on loan from the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc. will be exhibited at 2 venues in Shinagawa City.

Entry is free and staff look forward to your visit.

First venue: Minato City Hall

Exhibition period: Tuesday 28th July - Monday 17th August, 8:30am - 5pm. The city hall is closed on weekends and national holidays.

Exhibition location: Minato City Hall, 1st floor lobby

Theme: ”Learning about the Reality of the Atomic Bombings”

Second venue: Minato Park Shibaura

Exhibition period: Tuesday 28th July - Monday 17th August, 8am - 11pm.

Exhibition location: Minato Park Shibaura, 1st Floor Kumin Gallery.

Theme: ”Minato City’s Peace Efforts and The Great Tokyo Air Raids”

The subsection in charge at Minato City Hall is the Human Rights and Gender Equality Subsection of the General Affairs Section.


Operators at the Minato City call center, or ‘Minato Call’, respond to enquiries about the content of Minato City’s administrative services and provide information on city events, how to get to city facilities and the opening hours of those facilities.  Enquiries are dealt with not just in Japanese, but in English too.

Staff respond to multiple enquiries relating to different sections as well, so please feel free to use this service. It is available 365 days a year from 8am to 8pm.

Please be aware that some events and courses may have different acceptance times for advance bookings and applications etc.

The telephone number is 03-5472-3710.


(Audio) 6th/9th July 2020 ON AIR: The Holding of a Peace Exhibition / Minato Call