


Be Kind to Animals Week / Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign

Minato Voice

20th - 26th September is Be Kind to Animals Week.

Be Kind to Animals Week is held to enhance public understanding about the welfare of animals, which are living beings. Please understand the habits and nature of your pets and continue to look after them with love and responsibility throughout their lives.

It is compulsory for dogs to be registered once in their lifetime and for them to receive a rabies vaccination once a year. After registering with the Health and Welfare Subsection of any Regional City Office, please receive your dog license and vaccination tag.

Please be careful of diseases that can be transmitted from pets. Take preventative measures such as not sharing spoons or dishes with your pets, and ensuring pet hygiene through thorough grooming and nail trimming.

The section in charge is the Life Hygiene Counseling Subsection of the Life Hygiene Section at Minato Public Health Center.


The Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign will be held from Saturday 21st - Monday 30th September. This year’s slogan is ‘TOKYO - Aiming to be the World’s No. 1 City for Traffic Safety’.

The main objectives are as follows:

1) Ensuring safety on the roads for children and senior citizens.

2) Preventing traffic accidents by elderly drivers.

3) Preventing traffic accidents whilst walking or cycling at dusk or at night.

4) Enforcing the correct use of child seats and seat belts in all seats.

5) Eradicating drink driving.

6) Preventing traffic accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles.

Each and every one of us should follow the correct traffic rules and manners to reduce traffic accidents.

The section in charge is the Community Transportation Subsection of Minato City’s Community Transportation Section.


(Audio) 16th/19th September 2019 ON AIR: Be Kind to Animals Week / Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign