Please Prepare for Sudden Localized Downpours

Shinagawa Info

We are approaching the season of torrential rain again this year. 

In order to prevent flooding damage due to localized heavy rain, it is important to gather information on downpours and prepare for them in everyday life.

Shinagawa City uses various forms of media such as Shina-mail and SNS to distribute emergency/disaster prevention information.

In order to receive information smoothly in the event of a disaster, it is helpful to register/follow such services before anything happens.

Please stay abreast of the latest weather conditions through such means as the Shinagawa City and Tokyo Metropolitan Government websites and Cable TV Shinagawa.

For enquiries, call the Disaster Prevention Section at Shinagawa City Office on 03-5742-6695.


(Audio) 24th/25th June 2021 ON AIR: Please Prepare for Sudden Localized Downpours







お問い合わせは、品川区役所防災課 電話番号03-5742-6695までお願いします。