


Topics for December 14th & 15th


Winter is one of the seasons when energy demand rises in Japan. Around 30% of Tokyo's energy consumption come from households, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is working to promote household energy-saving measures. This week, we’re going to introduce some steps you can take at home to reduce your energy usage during the cold months. While heating the room in the winter, more than half of the heat is lost through the windows. To prevent the heat from escaping and cold air from entering, thick long curtains that reach the floor and carpets are effective. Next, use heating equipment wisely. Set the temperature at around 20 degrees Celsius and use electric fans to circulate the air in the room. It is also important to reconsider the use of hot water. Family members can take turns to take a bath so that the water doesn't have to be reheated. Keep the water temperature low when washing dishes or washing your face and don't let unnecessary amount of water run. Also, change the temperature setting in winter to help save energy. Let’s spend the winter in warmth and comfort while saving energy.



Coming up on December 21st, a public event titled, ”Tokyo Mieru Suiso" will be held to visualize hydrogen energy. The event will feature a variety of content that will enable visitors to experience hydrogen energy with their five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, including the "visualization" of hydrogen - an invisible substance. Take this opportunity to enjoy learning how hydrogen can be applied as energy in various situations. The event takes place on December 21st, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Toyota City Showcase on the first floor of Mega Web in Odaiba Palette Town. Admission free. Mega Web is directly connected to Aomi Station on the Yurikamome Line.

東京都は来たる12月21日に、どなたでも参加いただける、水素エネルギー見える化イベント「Tokyo ミエル スイソ」を開催します。このイベントでは、目に見えない水素を「見える化」するなど、水素エネルギーを視覚、聴覚、嗅覚、味覚、触覚の五感で体験していただく様々なコンテンツを実施します。水素が様々な場面でエネルギーとして活用されていることを楽しみながら学べる良い機会です。ぜひ、ご参加ください。日時は、12月21日(土)午前11時から夜8時。会場は、お台場パレットタウン内にある『MEGA WEB 1階の「トヨタ シティショウケース」で、入場は無料です。アクセスは、ゆりかもめ「青海駅」直結。

For the full text of today’s announcements, check the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website. The address is
